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Uniting airwaves

How the Independent Community Radio Network is reshaping European broadcasting?

Author: Pavel Kirpikau

Photos by: ICRN


In an era dominated by digital streaming and corporate media, a group of passionate broadcasters is proving that community radio is not just alive, but thriving. The Independent Community Radio Network (ICRN), a collective of DIY radio stations spanning Europe, is redefining what it means to be a community broadcaster in the 2020s.


Founded in 2022, ICRN has quickly grown into a vibrant network of 10 active member stations, stretching from Dublin to Tallinn. These stations are "united by their DIY ethos, commitment to artistic experimentation, and drive to platform underrepresented voices and sounds."

At a recent Radio Plato Education workshop led by ICRN's co-founder Samantha, the network's vision and the challenges it faces came into sharp focus. "We're not just operating stations," Samantha explained, "we're reimagining what radio can be in our increasingly connected world."


ICRN: A multifaceted approach to independent broadcasting

ICRN does a batch of activities to connect member radio stations. Biannual network meetups serve as incubators for ideas and collaboration, while online workshops and a forthcoming newsletter keep the community engaged year-round. The network also maintains a live radio player on their website, allowing listeners to easily tune into any member station with a single click – a digital representation of their unity.

ICRN's ambitions extend far beyond networking and knowledge sharing. The network is actively engaged in research, exploring topics such as the socio-political significance of radio and its digital futures. This forward-thinking approach is complemented by a commitment to preserving and sharing the rich history of independent broadcasting, as evidenced by their growing online archive of radio art and documentary content.


Advocacy is another key pillar of ICRN's mission. By coordinating messaging across its member stations and participating in events like European Lab, the network aims to reshape attitudes towards community radio at a policy-making level. It's a bold move that reflects the growing confidence and unity of the sector.

One of ICRN’s core values is uncompromised independence and outlook for sustainable ways to maintain it. That’s why funding network activities remains a critical concern. ICRN has successfully tapped into various sources, from Nordic Culture Point to Creative Europe. These resources have enabled ambitious collaborative projects, such as a month-long co-broadcasting initiative and partnerships with events like the Le Guess Who? Festival's COSMOS program.

The Morning Air Shows Exchange is an innovative project by the Independent Community Radio Network (ICRN) that deserves special attention.

The Morning Air Shows Exchange was a collaborative initiative that brought together five ICRN member stations for a month-long series of shared morning broadcasts. This project was supported by the Nordic Culture Fund, highlighting its regional significance.


The concept behind the exchange was to address an often underserved time slot in community radio - the morning hours. By pooling resources and talent from multiple stations, ICRN was able to create engaging content during a time when many smaller stations might struggle to produce live programming.

Each participating station took turns hosting morning shows that were simultaneously broadcast across all five networks. This not only provided listeners with fresh, diverse content but also allowed the stations to showcase their local talent and perspectives to a wider, international audience.

The exchange served multiple purposes:

  • Content sharing: It allowed stations to fill their morning slots with high-quality, live content.
  • Cultural exchange: Listeners were exposed to different accents, music, and perspectives from across Europe.
  • Skill development: Hosts and producers got to experience broadcasting to a wider, more diverse audience.
  • Community building: It strengthened the bonds between the participating stations and their audiences.
  • Technical collaboration: The project likely involved overcoming technical challenges of simultaneous broadcasting, building capacity for future collaborations.

This initiative exemplifies ICRN's commitment to practical, impactful collaborations that benefit both the member stations and their listeners. It's a tangible example of how networking and resource-sharing can lead to innovative programming that individual stations might not be able to achieve on their own.

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The Morning Air Shows Exchange stands as a testament to the power of collaboration in community radio, turning potential competition into cooperation and transforming a challenging time slot into an opportunity for creative broadcasting.

ICRN: fostering diversity and shaping the future of community Radio

ICRN's impact extends beyond its member stations. Through its website, the network offers resources and inspiration for aspiring broadcasters and radio enthusiasts worldwide. From technical guides to philosophical musings on the nature of community media, ICRN is fostering a global conversation about the future of radio.

As one explores the ICRN website, the diversity of its member stations becomes apparent. From Radio Múlte in Bergen, Norway, to Lahmacun Radio in Budapest, Hungary, each station brings its unique flavor to the network while adhering to shared principles of independence, experimentation, and community engagement.


In an era where media consolidation and algorithmic curation threaten to homogenize our cultural landscape, ICRN stands as a beacon of diversity and grassroots creativity. As Samantha put it, "In a world that often feels increasingly divided, ICRN is proof that united airwaves can bridge any gap."

As ICRN continues to grow and evolve, it's clear that the future of community radio in Europe is bright. By fostering collaboration, sharing resources, and advocating collectively, ICRN is not just strengthening individual stations; it's reshaping the entire landscape of community broadcasting. For listeners and broadcasters alike, that's something worth tuning into.

The best way to stay up to date with ICRN’s activities is to sign up to their monthly newsletter (scroll down to NEWSLETTER tab on ICRN's website) and we are encouraging you to do so!


As a conclusion, we suggest you have a look at the funding opportunities and other resources to look out for Samantha shared with us:

Short and Long-Term Networking Fund, Nordic Culture Point

Funding for networks that have the potential to evolve into more long-term cooperation in the Nordic and Baltic region (can include partners outside of this region).

European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations, Creative Europe (EU)

Supporting networks who enhance the capacities of European cultural and creative sectors to face common challenges and nurture talents, innovate, thrive and generate jobs and growth.


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

Creativity Pioneers Fund (unrestricted budget of 5k)

For organizations who have a focus on social change. Provides unrestricted funding to help sustain essential functions and programs.

Nordic Culture Fund

Various grants for networking and cooperation, both on a global and local level. Must have at least one Nordic partner.

Live MX (supported by Music Moves Europe) funds in the following categories: Music export, Live Music venues, Digital circulation and engagement. Deadline 24th June 2024.

Here is a list of other resources and networks to look out for:


Keychange is a global network and movement working towards a total restructure of the music industry in reaching full gender equality.

Reset! Network

European network of independent cultural and media organizations. Free to join and great newsletter!

On The Move

Provides information on cultural mobility that is clear, up-to-date, and always free to use. Great newsletter!

Music Innovation Hub

MIH powers innovative, socially responsible projects in the music industry.

Culture Action Europe

Advocacy, knowledge sharing, distributing open calls, editorials (relevant to the sector), projects. Great newsletter!

Culture Moves Europe

Supporting cultural mobility in Europe and beyond

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