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Plushka drops a new EP called "PAD 3 (EP#15)"

Plunge into the boundlessness with the new Radio Plato label release.


Plushka, a Belarusian beatmaker, just dropped a new album called "PAD 3 (EP#15)" via the Radio Plato label. It’s got ten chill lo-fi tracks that create a calm, reflective vibe – perfect for a laid-back trip, whether you’re exploring the world outside or diving deep into your own thoughts.

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 472px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2234502501/size=large/bgcol=333333/linkcol=ffffff/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://radioplato.bandcamp.com/album/pad-3-ep-15">PAD 3 (EP#15) by Plushka</a></iframe>

Here's what the musician has to say about the release:

– The name “Pad 3” comes from my deep love for sampling and my attachment to the number “3”. With this album, I wanted to capture the mood and my emotions. I think that’s what all musicians do – turn their inner world into sound. And if it’s genuine, you can feel it right away. This album is calm, cheerful, and sometimes a bit melancholic.

One of the tracks features my grandmother’s voice. We don't see each other often, and when I go back to Belarus, I always call her. One of those calls ended up being recorded, and now it’s part of this album.

There are also plenty of guitar parts on the record. I love this approach: sample something, then add in some guitar or bass. I used to be a bit skeptical about sampling, but then I realized there are more creative ways to use it than I initially thought.

And, of course, there are snippets of dialogue from Soviet films. I’ve always included these because I naturally love Soviet cinema and appreciate how beautifully people speak in those movies.

Listen to Plushka's TAP 3 (EP#15) on all streaming platforms.

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